Still have a whole bunch of potatoes left from your CSA box? Homemade gnocchi and perogies are two delicious winter meal ideas that you can prepare on the weekend and freeze for a delicious, but quick and easy dinner throughout the week.
Try these recipes out!

Homemade Gnocchi with Butter and Sage
Follow this link for Stephano Faita’s recipe. To freeze gnocchi, simply place each morsel on a cookie sheet and put in the freezer. When the pieces are frozen, put them in a resealable bag or tupperware. This recipe calls for russets, but any starchy potato will do the trick, such as Yukon Golds, Russian Blues and maybe even the Kennebecs.

Authentic Ukranian Perogies
This recipe blog entry on Claudia’s Cookbook offers great ideas on what could make an awesome perogie party! If you’re making the dough, you might as well include some of her other ideas in addition to the traditional potato and cheese perogies. Again, if you’re going to freeze them, place them on a cookie sheet in your freezer first, before putting them in resealable bags or tupperware so they don’t stick together.