I meant to update this blog earlier with a Happy New Year note. But then the New Year became the middle of January and then it became the Lunar New Year and now February is around the corner. I’m seeing
Potato CSA 2012!
Today at the Vancouver Winter Farmers Market (at Nat Bailey Stadium every Saturday) it was the CSA fair. The weather wasn’t the best, but I do appreciate that the rain wasn’t as heavy as was forecasted. And although there was
Potato Bread!
If you’re like me, you love home cooked food, but time is limited. Really there is nothing quite like freshly baked bread right out of the oven. I very rarely have time to spend on kneeding the dough and waiting
Fresh Ideas
I know I’m not alone in loving this time of year. My senses are flooded with the vibrant colours and fresh scents of autumn. And its the time of year when I crave warm, creamy and spicy foods and it
This weekend I hope everyone has a chance to celebrate friends and family with some good food! I’m feeling rather nostalgic this time of year and I am thankful for so many things right now that I won’t even begin
From Harvest to Thanksgiving to Halloween– October is a busy month!
Four weekends ago, 15 really awesome people volunteered to pull out nearly 3000 lbs of potatoes with shovels and a wagon. I don’t know what we would have done without their help, because it was a really hard job and
Fruits of Our Labour
Earth Apple Farm has changed significantly with each month of production. From straight, parallel trenches; to small, budding potato plants; to magnificent mounds of large green overflowing plants baring white, purple and pink flowers and berries; and now—it looks like
In a pickle?
Have a pickle! Cukes and beets are ready at Earth Apple Farm! Email me if you’re interested in putting in an order: earthapplefarm (at) gmail.com
Dog Days are Drawing to a Close
The flowers are dwindling, the berries are forming and the potatoes are just about ready. A lot can happen in one week at the farm. Greg and I, somewhat spontaneously, decided to take a vacation this past week. Backcountry camping,
Lifecycle of an Earth Apple
A couple of weeks ago a party of four took on the task of hilling the potatoes. It was really great to have some helping hands, because it was a big job! However, after comparing blisters and doing a few